Random Number: The Mersenne Twister
The Mersenne Twister is a new random number generator, invented/discovered in 1996 by Matsumora and Nishimura.

MT is a twisted GFSR(624,397), similar in spirit to R250 and in my tests it's comparable in speed to R250 (slightly slower than R250 alone, but faster than R250/521 combined). It takes up more space than R250 or R521, but less than the two combined. MT has an amazing period of 2^19937-1.

public sealed class MT {
    private int mt_index;
    private int mt_buffer[624];
    public MT() {
        Random r = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 624; i++)
            mt_buffer[i] = r.Next();
        mt_index = 0;
    public int Random() {
        if (mt_index == 624)
            mt_index = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int s;
            for (; i < 624 - 397; i++) {
                s = (mt_buffer[i] & 0x80000000) | (mt_buffer[i+1] & 0x7FFFFFFF);
                mt_buffer[i] = mt_buffer[i + 397] ^ (s >> 1) ^ ((s & 1) * 0x9908B0DF);
            for (; i < 623; i++) {
                s = (mt_buffer[i] & 0x80000000) | (mt_buffer[i+1] & 0x7FFFFFFF);
                mt_buffer[i] = mt_buffer[i - (624 - 397)] ^ (s >> 1) ^ ((s & 1) * 0x9908B0DF);
            s = (mt_buffer[623] & 0x80000000) | (mt_buffer[0] & 0x7FFFFFFF);
            mt_buffer[623] = mt_buffer[396] ^ (s >> 1) ^ ((s & 1) * 0x9908B0DF);
        return mt_buffer[mt_index++];
Random Number: R250/521
R250 is what's known as a generalized feedback shift register, or GFSR. GFSRs are determined by two parameters, a length and an offset. R250 is actually GFSR(250,103), indicating a length of 250 and an offset of 103. R250 has a period of almost 2^250

public sealed class R250_521 {
    private int r250_index;
    private int r521_index;
    private int r250_buffer[250];
    private int r521_buffer[521];
    public R250_521() {
        Random r = new Random();
        int i = 521;
        int mask1 = 1;
        int mask2 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        while (i-- > 250) {
            r521_buffer[i] = r.Next();
        while (i-- > 31) {
            r250_buffer[i] = r.Next();
            r521_buffer[i] = r.Next();
        Establish linear independence of the bit columns
        by setting the diagonal bits and clearing all bits above
        while (i-- > 0) {
            r250_buffer[i] = (r.Next() | mask1) & mask2;
            r521_buffer[i] = (r.Next() | mask1) & mask2;
            mask2 ^= mask1;
            mask1 >>= 1;
        r250_buffer[0] = mask1;
        r521_buffer[0] = mask2;
        r250_index = 0;
        r521_index = 0;
    public int random() {
        int i1 = r250_index;
        int i2 = r521_index;
        int j1 = i1 - (250-103);
        if (j1 < 0)
            j1 = i1 + 103;
        int j2 = i2 - (521-168);
        if (j2 < 0)
            j2 = i2 + 168;
        int r = r250_buffer[j1] ^ r250_buffer[i1];
        r250_buffer[i1] = r;
        int s = r521_buffer[j2] ^ r521_buffer[i2];
        r521_buffer[i2] = s;
        i1 = (i1 != 249) ? (i1 + 1) : 0;
        r250_index = i1;
        i2 = (i2 != 521) ? (i2 + 1) : 0;
        r521_index = i2;
        return r ^ s;
PHP Use Config ini
use a .ini file to store your config data, for example the following file could be saved as config.ini:
;my configuration file
    site_name = "example site"
    host =  "my_db_host"
    db = "my_db"
    user = "my_db_user" 
    pass = "mypassword"

Then load the config with the following code:
$config = parse_ini_file('config.ini',true);

You can access the values with:
echo $config['database']['host'];

Open the CD tray
Does what it says on the tin

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
        For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
        Next ' cdrom
End If

Convert age to dog years
Converts human years to dog years.
### get the original age
age = input("Enter your age (in human years): ")
print		# print a blank line
### do some range checking, then print result
if age < 0:
	print "Negative age?!?  I don't think so."
elif age < 3 or age > 110:
	print "Frankly, I don't believe you."
	print "That's", age*7, "in dog years."
### pause for Return key (so window doesn't disappear)
raw_input('press Return>')
Like Usage in SQL
Searches for any occurence of bob
SELECT `death` FROM `bats` WHERE `name` LIKE '%bob%';
Form Return Value
To get a form to return a value

passwordDlg passForm = new passwordDlg();
if( passForm.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK )
	// OK, do something with the password.
	MessageBox.Show( this, "The password entered was: " + passForm.getPass());

DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
public System.String getPass()
	return textbox1.Text;